How to Care for Newly Planted Trees
What to do when you get a tree
Murfreesboro TN Tree Service can provide you with the best advice on how to take care of your new tree. Here are some tips to follow:
- Water your tree regularly for the first few months, making sure to give it at least an inch of water per week
- Fertilize your tree twice a year - once in spring and again in fall.
- Mulch around your tree to help retain moisture and protect the roots.
- Prune properly, only removing dead or diseased branches. Ask a professional for help if you're not sure how to do this correctly.
How to plant a tree
If you’re looking to plant a tree, there are a few things you should keep in mind. The first step is to choose the right spot for your tree. Make sure there’s plenty of room for it to grow, and that it won’t be blocking any sidewalks or windows. You’ll also need to make sure the spot has adequate drainage, since trees need water to survive.
Once you’ve chosen a spot, it’s time to start digging. Dig a hole that’s twice as wide as the pot your tree came in, and just as deep. Carefully remove the tree from the pot and place it in the hole. Fill in the hole with soil, making sure to pack it down firmly around the roots. Water well, and then continue watering regularly until your tree is established.

How often to water and how much water to give
This is a question that is asked frequently by people who have newly planted trees or are thinking about planting trees. The answer depends on a number of factors, including the type of tree, the time of year, the soil type, and the weather conditions.
In general, trees should be watered every week during the summer and every other week during the winter. How much water to give depends on how dry the soil is. If the soil feels dry to the touch an inch below the surface, then it needs watering. A good way to determine how much water to give is to use a rain gauge or soil moisture meter.
Why and how to mulch
Mulching is one of the best things you can do for your garden, and it’s easy to do! Mulch helps to retain moisture in the soil, which is especially important in the summertime. It also helps to suppress weed growth and keep the soil temperature cool. There are a variety of materials you can use for mulching, but I recommend using organic materials like compost, straw, or leaves. Inorganic materials like gravel or crushed stone can be used as well, but they don’t break down over time like organic materials do, so they may need to be replaced more often.
To mulch your garden, first spread a layer of organic material over the soil. You can either spread it directly on top of the soil, or create a small mound in the center of each bed. A mulching mattock is a good tool for this. (You can also use a shovel, but I don’t recommend it!) Then, mix in some organic material from the pile and pack it down firmly. A garden rake and a hoe can also be used. When you’ve finished, pull up the mulch to make sure it’s not blocking air flow beneath, as this will cause plants to rot more quickly.

When and what type of fertilizer to use
When to fertilize your trees and what type of fertilizer to use can be confusing. There are many options on the market and it can be difficult to know which one is best for your trees. The following is a guide to help you make the best decision for your trees.
Fertilizing in the spring is best, but you can also fertilize in the summer or fall. Be sure to read the label of the fertilizer to make sure it is appropriate for the time of year you are fertilizing. There are many types of fertilizers available, but organic fertilizers such as compost or manure are best for trees. They release their nutrients slowly over time, which means they won’t harm the tree if over-applied.
Pruning young trees and when to stop pruning
Pruning is an important part of tree care, but it’s also important to know when to stop pruning. Pruning at the wrong time can damage or even kill a tree. The best time to prune young trees is during the dormant season, between late fall and early spring. Pruning should be done sparingly during the early years, and only for corrective purposes. Trees need time to grow strong branches and develop a good structure. Over-pruning can weaken a tree and make it more susceptible to disease and pests. Pruning a young tree too much can lead to breakage and damage. What to do when you mow over the trunk of your tree Everything in nature is connected, so if you cut down the top of a young tree, it may affect the health of neighboring trees.
Protecting Trees from animals, weather, and lawn mowers
A healthy tree is an important part of any landscape, but it can be vulnerable to a number of threats. Animals, weather, and lawn mowers can all damage or kill trees if not properly protected.
One way to protect trees is by using a fence or barrier around the base of the tree. This will keep animals from damaging the bark, and can also help protect the tree from being hit by cars or other objects. Another way to protect trees is by using a shield or umbrella over the top of the tree. This will keep out rain, snow, and ice, and can also help protect the tree from being damaged by wind. A tree shield can also be used to protect trees from ice and snow. Snow and ice can cause damage to trees if they are not properly protected. Finally, one of the best ways to protect trees is by using a lawn mower shield.
When to expect results: A timeline for tree growth
When you plant a tree, you expect it to grow. How fast it grows, however, depends on a variety of factors, including the species of tree, the climate, and the care the tree receives. A timeline for tree growth can give you an idea of what to expect.
In general, trees planted in late fall or winter will begin to grow in the spring. In warm climates, growth may occur year-round; in cold climates, growth will slow down during the winter months. Most trees will reach their mature height in 10-50 years.
The rate of growth also varies depending on the age of the tree. Young trees typically grow more quickly than older trees. As a tree ages, its trunk widens and its branches thicken. The roots also grow longer and spread out farther from the trunk. In general, the larger a tree grows, the slower it will grow. A mature tree that is 10 or 12 feet tall and wide can take up to 10 years to reach maturity. However, there are exceptions.