Tree Disease Treatment in Murfreesboro TN

Did you know that tree disease is the #1 cause of the necessity for tree removal in Tennessee?
If you think your trees may be sick but aren’t sure or not sure what to do about it just give us a call for tree disease treatment in Murfreesboro TN.
Our professional arborists are experts at diagnosing the various tree diseases that affect all local tree species, as well as treating them so that they can regain their luster and full potential.
Below we will talk about some of the more common tree diseases common to typical tree species in TN.
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Thousand Cankers Disease (TCD)
Thousand Canker Disease (or TCD) is possibly the greatest threat to black walnut trees here in Murfreesboro TN.
Spread by a twig beetle, this disease is caused by a fungal infection that spreads on multiple contacts with the carrier insect.
This particular disease, as it is so contagious, is a serious danger to black walnut and other trees as well, causing certain counties and areas to be under quarantine.
The best way to keep the disease from spreading is to never transport wood from one area to another: always use wood from a local source, and never store firewood in your home!

Sudden Oak Death (SOD)
Sudden Oak Death is a harsh name for a harsh plant illness that many experts refer to as “Ebola for trees.”
This highly communicable and deadly tree disease, although referred to as Sudden Oak Death, can infect and kill trees of over a hundred species if left untreated.
The cankerous lesions and leaking sap are sign that aren’t always a certain indicator that the tree in question is in fact infected, making it difficult to detect and diagnose without expertise and lab equipment.
If you think your trees may have some of the symptoms of this disease, give us a call!
What is Anthracnose?
Anthracnose is another very common tree disease in Murfreesboro TN that can affect shrubs and other plants as well.
While this disease that is spread by fungus (like many tree diseases) rarely is the cause of the death of a tree on its own trees can be severely weakened leaving them susceptible to death from secondary sources like other tree diseases and pests.
One of the most common symptoms of Anthracnose are irregularly shaped brown or tan blotches close to the leaf veins.
If you think your tree might be suffering from Anthracnose it’s time to give us a call
Armillaria Root Rot
Armillaria Root Rot is another fairly common tree disease in Murfreesboro TN that can weaken, and if left untreated over a period of time, even kill multiple species of trees.
Have you ever seen a tree with light tan colored mushrooms/toadstools growing at the base, around the roots of a tree?
That fungal growth acts like a parasite to the tree, robbing it of moisture and nutrients that weaken and leave the tree vulnerable to other damaging sources that can lead to death.
If you have this kind of fungal growth on the roots of your trees, Tree Service Murfreesboro TN is here to help
Benefits of Tree Disease Treatment
There are many benefits associated with tree disease treatment, including preventing the spread of disease to other trees and reducing the risk of damage from pests or environmental factors. At a local tree service provider near you, such as Tree Service Murfreesboro TN, you can receive professional assistance for treating all types of common tree diseases.
With regular treatment, tree diseases can be prevented from infecting other trees in the area and causing extensive damage. Tree service providers have the experience and expertise to properly diagnose tree diseases and provide the best course of treatment. In addition, they can offer advice on preventative measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of future infections.
Tree disease treatment can also help to improve the overall appearance of your landscape. By removing diseased or damaged branches, trees can be shaped and trimmed to improve their aesthetic value. In addition, proper pruning can help to encourage new growth, which can further enhance the appearance of your yard or garden.
Other Services
- Trimming & Removal
- Stump Grinding and Removal
- Residential and Commercial Tree Services
- Disease and Pest Control for Trees
- Tree Cabling and Bracing
- Brush Clearing and Chipping
- Storm Damage Cleanup
- Hazardous Tree Assessment and Removal
- Lot Clearing and Landscaping
- Tree Maintenance and Health Assessment
- Emergency Tree Removal
- Stump Removal and Grinding
- Tree Cutting
- Tree Trimming and Pruning
- Tree Removal
- Wood and Debris Removal
Common tree diseases include fungal infections such as oak wilt, Dutch elm disease, and anthracnose. These diseases can cause leaf discoloration, wilting, and dieback. Bacterial infections such as fire blight and canker may also occur. These diseases often lead to premature leaf drop or twig dieback.
If you notice any changes in your tree’s appearance, such as leaf discoloration or dieback, it is important to contact a certified arborist for a diagnosis. The arborist will consider the tree’s species, location, and recent history before making a diagnosis.
The treatment of tree diseases depends on the type of disease and the severity of the infection. Some diseases, such as oak wilt, can be difficult to treat and may require the removal of the affected tree. Other diseases, such as cancer, can be treated with fungicides or pruning.
If you think your tree is sick, it is important to contact a certified arborist for a diagnosis. The arborist will consider the tree’s species, location, and recent history before making a treatment recommendation.